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Topic subjectI like that Lebron is opening up more, clearly more comfortable
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2247542&mesg_id=2247707
2247707, I like that Lebron is opening up more, clearly more comfortable
Posted by Vex_id, Thu Oct-17-13 03:06 PM
in this present reign as he has the credentials
to voice out on a myriad of issues, and he has
since this ESPN interview. Whether people like it
or not, i think this is good for the game. I like
when Miami plays Boston -- now Brooklyn, because
guys get animated and play hard-nosed basketball
that only makes both teams better and more prepared
for playoff basketball.

Call me crazy - but I think Miami & Brooklyn will
have some wars. That's a deep, experienced team.


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keep the mouth closed.
Through the blood
Chi goes where the dow flows.