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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Studio Thug blocked Ray's number on his phone & won't make eye contact
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2247542&mesg_id=2247646
2247646, RE: Studio Thug blocked Ray's number on his phone & won't make eye contact
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Oct-17-13 01:35 PM
>when they are in the same place at the same time, so miss me
>with the talking about 'grown men blah blah' bullshit.

When I used the phrase 'grown man', I was referring to the fact Ray Allen is perfectly able to speak on this matter on his own if he feels the need to. He shouldn't need LeBron James to address this first if he feels he needs an apology from KG and Paul Pierce. In my opinion, it makes it appear as if Ray Allen is too timid to speak for himself, muchless that he feels that Garnett and Paul Pierce wronged him. It's completely possible that Ray Allen doesn't care about the matter and LeBron stuck his nose into matters that doesnt' concern him.

I didn't use the phrase to defend Studio Thug puffing his chest last year when he made his initial comment.