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Topic subjectThat last point is a stretch.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2247542&mesg_id=2247618
2247618, That last point is a stretch.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Oct-17-13 01:16 PM

>Sheeit, what ray did was clearly ring chasing (and I'm fine
>with that) KG and pierce joining nets ain't ring chasing.
>Pierce said that this gave him the best opportunity for a
>chip, but I'm sure we'd all agree that Miami would give him
>the best opp. If there was a way to get to Miami, would he do
>it? I'm not so sure. Hence, the difference.

There wasn't an opportunity. It was a salary cap impossibility. He went to the best available place to contend for a ring.

If he stayed in Boston, I'd believe he wasn't ring chasing. If he'd gone to a non-contender, I'd believe he wasn't ring chasing. But he went to the best team that could afford to take him on. And they said afterward that they wanted to win a title and that's why they agreed to leave Boston. Doesn't get much plainer.

It's obvious that they were mad just cuz it was Miami, not because Ray left or because he was "ring chasing." If he'd gone to OKC, I doubt they would've given a shit. If you want to say the situation is different because KG and Pierce aren't going to Boston's perceived rivals, that's a fine explanation. But I don't think the principles of ring chasing change much whether it's aging Boston or beat-up Boston. A better opportunity is a better opportunity.