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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectStudio Thug blocked Ray's number on his phone & won't make eye contact
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2247542&mesg_id=2247595
2247595, Studio Thug blocked Ray's number on his phone & won't make eye contact
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Oct-17-13 12:54 PM
when they are in the same place at the same time, so miss me with the talking about 'grown men blah blah' bullshit.

Kevin Garnett is a 38-year-old who I'd bet still plays video games 5 days a week & makes animal noises while doing so.

This quote is Lebron as the leader of the two-time world champions using the opportunity to take up for a teammate while calling KG a hypocritical hoe who can kiss the ring at the same time.