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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectErm..... Huh? I'm not sure you're responding to the right guy.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2244473&mesg_id=2246903
2246903, Erm..... Huh? I'm not sure you're responding to the right guy.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Oct-15-13 10:36 PM
>regardless of how much you're worth, what industry you're in,
>or how much you've made over the course of your career, if
>this is your last chance to make over 15 mil you take it and
>you stop asking questions.

I don't even know what this is referring to. This is the last year of his contract. Nobody is telling him to restructure his contract this year. They're asking if he'd take a pay cut next year to stay. He's not under contract and he'll get whatever his market value is. I'm saying that value is going to come down significantly from his current price tag.

I dunno what you're looking at, but I didn't imply whether he should or shouldn't ask for or take any particular offer. I said he won't get what he's getting now. I said he's getting a pay cut no matter where he goes. I dunno what you're babbling about.

I said he's going to get a pay cut no matter where he goes.

I'm not sure what you're talking about or responding to, because it's certainly not anything I've said.

>a few years ago they promised him
>that much money and then they've wanted to get rid of him ever
>since. seriously laker fans, what world do you live in?

Seriously, Celtics fan, let go of your Lakers hatred for 5 seconds. What on Earth are you talking about?

Yeah, Pau is the first and only player to ever be signed only to see his team dangle him in trade rumors soon after. THAT NEVER HAPPENS.

Guess what? When teams struggle, they try to improve. Teams that don't have cap space tend to do that via trade. Teams tend to dangle the most attractive piece they can to improve their team. It's not exclusive to the Lakers, no matter how much your Celtics conditioning and OKS posturing might make you believe otherwise.

>>Plenty of people have wanted Kobe gone, and that's going
>>to his rookie season. Many of us HERE have said to trade his
>>punk ass at various times,

Did I stutter?
Seriously, what world do you live in?
People get on LA sports radio and ROAST Kobe and always have
When he has a bad game in a loss, he gets roasted
He's gotten some serious criticism RIGHT HERE ON OKP
I personally know Lakers fans who aren't Kobe fans

Y'all are myopic as hell sometimes