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Topic subjectIf true, isn't that actually *worse*, though?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2245891&mesg_id=2246605
2246605, If true, isn't that actually *worse*, though?
Posted by Stringer Bell, Tue Oct-15-13 01:36 AM
I'm not knocking your perspective and haven't thought about it that much, but it's funny to me to be up in arms if the dude just *genuinely* thinks the time is right to air that he thinks Adrian Peterson still deserves criticism a few days after his kid passed, but if he's only writing this for effect, to make people mad, no reason to be angry in that case?

Seems like the second one is scummier than the first.