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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYo no bullshit, if I ever see this guy in person...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2245891&mesg_id=2246440
2246440, Yo no bullshit, if I ever see this guy in person...
Posted by thebadnegro, Mon Oct-14-13 08:34 PM
... now obviously if i'm in the wrong place, i.e. around kids or cops i'll have to bide my time... but i'm gonna BITCH SLAP this cat. i'm not a huge AP fan, have never commented on him, and i've never been one to go looking for trouble. but dude crossed the line.

i'm gonna share this with some others i know, and i hope even some of yall will join me, and put this dude on bitch slap watch.

lol as i'm writing, i know this shit sounds rather juvenile, and it's my first reaction (maybe i'll think better of this later, but i highly fuckin doubt it), but some street justice is definitely in order here.

now just to be clear, i'm not calling for anyone to kill this guy or put him in the hospital... just a punch or dumb hard slap to the grill.

driving 105 in a 55??? hanging out at the club after closing time???
what a god awful human being!!!

from what i understand AP never met the kid and didn't even know this it was his son until recently.

bottom line, if i see this mf in NY he gettin stole on.