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Topic subjectsomehow Mushnick has hit a new low
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2245891&mesg_id=2245972
2245972, somehow Mushnick has hit a new low
Posted by rjc27, Mon Oct-14-13 10:40 AM
"I'd be struggling to breathe" Gotta love how some people's 1st reaction in a situation like this is "well, if it was me" STFU! Nobody knows what they'd do in a situation like this...

I also like the argument that he should have taken "a game or two off"

so if he came back in 3 week's that's enough "grieving time" for all the assholes of the world to not judge him?

Everytime a tragedy like this happens in the world, and they happen far too often, we get 2 levels of shit, the act itself, then the reaction from all the trolls on the internet

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