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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthe best part is he doesn't realize the irony in this sentence.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2245891&mesg_id=2245937
2245937, the best part is he doesn't realize the irony in this sentence.
Posted by pretentious username, Mon Oct-14-13 10:19 AM

>He spent the rest of the night in jail, arrested for resisting

the worst part is the rest of the article.

>Me? I’d be fighting for breath, my knees weak with grief,
>demanding to know why, who, how. Then, I suspect, I’d seethe
>with rage, swearing retribution. I even think I’d take off a
>day or two from work. Maybe a week.

lol @ "Me?" that's all this comes down to. you do what you would do. he did what he would do. i was surprised he played, but there's no right or wrong way to grieve. the idea of returning to work to get your mind off of a personal tragedy isn't new. and while we know the te'o story is bullshit now, he was PRAISED for playing a few days after his gf and grandmother died. why? because he played superbly and they won. AP played well, but if he had 200 yards with 3 TDs and they won this article wouldn't exist. it would be all "look at the courage".

>With his resources, how could Peterson, the NFL’s MVP, have
>allowed his son to remain in such an environment? Did he not
>know, or not care? Or not care to know? Or not know to care?

if you don't know how difficult custody battles are, then it's probably wise not to bring it up.

>Money can’t buy love, but having signed a $96 million deal, he
>could not have provided his child — apparently his second from
>a “baby mama” — a safe home?

wait, he's gonna pay her to break up with her awful bf? yeah, that'll go over well.

>But given Peterson’s father did hard time for drug money
>laundering maybe we’re both stuck with the values in which we
>were born, raised.

doesn't get much "holier than thou" than that.