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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWell here's the deal
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2235618&mesg_id=2242106
2242106, Well here's the deal
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Oct-07-13 08:20 AM
They're deliberately trying to drag this out which at the surface is great.

BUT they don't seem to have the ideas or the talent to drag this out.

Someone above mentioned the Rock heel turn at Survivor Series. That was the start of what I consider the most inspired stretch of the "Attitude Era." From Rock's heel turn and Austin's rift with Vince, they were successfully able to execute two great programs and elevate almost all of the involved players as well.

Rock dealt with Foley. Foley won the title once and got a dose of credibility that enhanced his clout against the Rock. Conversely, Rock earned some "tough guy" capital from Foley - looking very strong in their classic I Quit match at Rock Bottom and beating Foley "clean" in the empty arena hardcore match during the Super Bowl halftime show. Rock came out of that a made guy, primed as the PERFECT heel for the white hot Austin who mind you had been working towards his climax against Vince at St.Valentine's Day Massacre (where they introduced the Big Show and STILL got Austin over with one of the most clever finishes of all time!!!)

All this is to say that WWE doesn't have the horses available to do a similar program right now. I think Orton needs a believable foil that ISN'T Bryan, and I don't know who that guy is- Punk is tied up in a program that's exhausted and then else is there? Big Show?

Get Orton someone he can work with through the Rumble while Bryan goes through Hunter THEN weave them back into each other.