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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectlmao hold up...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2239000&mesg_id=2239337
2239337, lmao hold up...
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Tue Oct-01-13 01:35 PM
so this nigga:

-comes in a post about top 5 qbs and list 6 niggas in the top 5.

-creates a bottom 5 with 8 niggas in it.

-had a qb who is 3-1 and has 6 tds and no picks completing 62% of his passes with chris johnson averaging 3.3 a carry...has him as the second worst starting qb in the league

-then proceeded to argue for 30 replies about jake locker being bad, while accusing everyone else of being box score watchers as he completely ignores anything that has happened so far this season involving multiple quaterbacks...

-Then he tells me I dont have to say shit because he knows what im thinking..

lmao yall praise this lunacy in the name of "going hard" ...yall niggas getting soft in your old ages