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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYou typing back
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2239000&mesg_id=2239312
2239312, You typing back
Posted by BabyYoda, Tue Oct-01-13 01:10 PM
Fuck what everybody thinks, nigga!! Are you even an adult? Why are you preoccupied w/ what other people here think? You think I care about other people here? No, nigga! Oh, I ain't banging. I just said the opposite of your net banging ass. I am your opposition. I will forever oppose everything you stand for! When you hush up, then I will hush up. I am locked on you now. You better off quitting or get one of your boyfriends here to save you. Too bad you ain't man enuff to stand on your own like a real true to the game ass nigga does.Fuckin Weirdo!