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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectlol i dont talk to niggas like you..you dont know what the fuck im thinking
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2239000&mesg_id=2239296
2239296, lol i dont talk to niggas like you..you dont know what the fuck im thinking
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Tue Oct-01-13 12:54 PM
>But, you think it. You act like he garbage when he has made
>an immediate impact since he came into the league.

I acted like he was garbage by saying he's had some pedestrian games thus far this season?

He is a
>winner. He is winning and currently undefeated.

His team in undefeated. They have held two teams to under 10 points...thats a mighty hurdle for an offense to jump isn't it?

He has limited
>weapons and still winning. He doing more with less. Not every
>QB can do what he is doing with more. He is a good QB and
>deserves to be considered as an above average QB.

OOOOOOK...top 5? no.