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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: your opinion happens to be baseless & dumb tho, nowhere does statin
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2239000&mesg_id=2239053
2239053, RE: your opinion happens to be baseless & dumb tho, nowhere does statin
Posted by BabyYoda, Tue Oct-01-13 02:53 AM
>the obvious (in this case: Jake Locker is currently a better
>QB than Geno Smith) obligate me to say Jake Locker is going to
>the Super Bowl.
>Not to get all 'stat-sy' on you but ZERO (Locker) is better
>than ELEVEN (Geno) when the topic is TURNOVERS (bad).
>Next time do better than the doo-doo you just typed.

Hey, you get a hard on telling people what they don't know huh? Ok Mister Max and Marcellus, why don't you school me on why you are always right and I don't know shit about football? Then, tell me what sports network you work at as well as what sports radio station you have a show on. Because if you ain't on TV nor the radio, then you can quietly shut your mouse trap and put up your own list.

Newsflash, you self righteous prick, Jake Locker sucks! Deal with it! It fucking doesn't matter where I rank his hurt, never going to the Superbowl ass. He is hurt! He will always be hurt! Ol boy sucks again and so does you lil retort! See, I can play your little game too! Lol I like Geno better and has more upside than your precious lil Titan.