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Topic subject*One singular year rolls down cheek*
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2237442, *One singular year rolls down cheek*
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Fri Sep-27-13 10:29 PM
Especially the last couple answers.

We all have the same goal, which is to win a championship. We understand it won't be easy. A lot of great teams in the West but we have the opportunity to do something special if we stay together. I believe in this team, this coach and Les. They just finished a beautiful locker room. They've done their jobs and now it's time to do ours. Seeds don't matter. We want a championship. I believe in this team.

Our focus is on the defensive end. We have to do it as a team. Me and Omer have an opportunity to mess up a lot of teams on the defensive end. Me and him playing together will allow me to roam around and be who I am.

Focus is to dominate on both ends of the floor. That's what Kevin has been talking about day one - dominating the paint.

I feel great. I spent a lot of time in Colorado and training. One of the best summers I've had in awhile. Last summer I didn't get an opportunity to train. I tried to jump into the season and I didn't think that was right. I'm a lot healthier this time around. I worked with Kevin and Hakeem. They don't want me to use my power all the time but instead my speed and quickness.

Me and Hakeem have been working together the last couple of years. I love working out with him. We had a great time in Aspen and we're looking forward to the season.

As you know, health is very important. Being healthy, I think it will bring back a lot of things I've done in the past. I'm very excited about that. Jeremy threw a bad pass and I dunked it. He was in shock that I caught it. He hasn't seen it and it's been awhile since I've been able to do that stuff. It takes awhile to recover from back surgery. I think I'm healthy now.

No need to get into that(LA). Every city is different. I like it here. The people are great. They've embraced me. In LA, it's over with. It didn't work out on both sides. We have to move on. It is what it is.

I would say in Orlando, the years we went to the Finals, we spent a lot of time together. That's what I like about this team. It's a close-knit team. The chemistry is already there. We've talked about ways we can improve as a team.

Me and Omer, I've been working on my three game. Coach said if I make 7-10 in practice, I can shoot one three a game. I have not done it yet but for me and Omer to work, it's real simple: if I get the rebound, he has to run the floor and get easy buckets. If he gets the rebound, same thing(for me). Defensive end, I can guard fours. I've done it in the past. I like the challenge. Me and him can work together. It would be a great opportunity to play together. Even if he comes off the bench, the defense won't go down. I think it's gonna be great. I know he wants to win as much as we all want to. We all have to sacrifice to be a championship team, whatever it may be. Everybody is on board with that.

I haven't talked one on one with him(Omer) yet.

I don't have a problem(playing the four). I'm only 6'9. I should be playing the three.(joking)

I'm excited about the opportunity to play with these young guys. They're full of energy. They wanted to play 10-12 pickup games. They're full of life. I love that feeling. Reminds me of the team in Orlando, we were always together. It really makes the team better on the floor, when you have great chemistry off the floor.

For any team to be successful, you need a great environment. You don't want to work in a bad place. What happened in LA was unfortunate. We were plagued with injuries and didn't happen the way we wanted it to. I'm in a better place now. I'm looking forward to this season.

I've been in the NBA at the top. You'll get scrutinized. You have to stay away from it as much as possible. You have to do the same thing on a daily basis. You get caught up in the good, the bad and the ugly, it messes you up as a player and person. That happened last year. You have to stay away from the negativity and focus on the task at hand.

Up to run? I'm one of the fastest bigs in years. Running isn't an issue with me. I want to win. We all have to sacrifice something. Sometimes we'll slow the game down. Come playoff time, games are slowed down. It's a half-court game. We're equipped for that. We can run. If we want a half court game, there are ways to be effective. Early on in the season, the best thing is to run. Late in the season, you have to play in the half court.

(I love you guys, I wanted more questions)

One guy I really like - he has an opportunity to be special - that's Terrence Jones. Lefty, big body, can play the 4 or 5, shoots the ball well. I think he'll blossom in this offense. Chandler is the same way. I'm really excited about Jeremy. This season, a lot of pressure will be off him and he can just play. Me and him in the PnR with shooters spreading the floor, we have a great opportunity. Working with these guys, guys like Casspi, the guy is pretty good. We have guys that people don't know by name but once they see them play, they'll see how good this team can be.

The team in Orlando, we thrived off that. They didn't know guys on the team and were never mentioned in anything. It was all about the other team. We were the laughing stock. We have this team here, that same style of basketball. 4 out, 1 in, we'll run, beat you in the half-court with PnRs and post ups and James Harden - one of the best 2 guards in the NBA, who I think can become the best. That's my teammate and my guy and I'm gonna stick with him.