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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectTop 5 plus honorable mentions
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2235618&mesg_id=2237327
2237327, Top 5 plus honorable mentions
Posted by Oak27, Fri Sep-27-13 02:57 PM
#1 WWF Winged Eagle http://tinyurl.com/wwfwingedeagle (loved the white and light blue straps used for Ultimate Warrior)
#2 WWF European http://tinyurl.com/wwfeuro
#3 WCW United States http://tinyurl.com/wcwustitle
#4 WWE Undisputed http://tinyurl.com/wweundisputed
#5 WWF Intercontinental Title http://tinyurl.com/wwfictitle

I thought the ECW Title belts were cool since their designed screamed "hardcore" and accurately represented the product, although the tag belts were kind of gross. Also always had a soft spot for the WWF Tag Titles (http://tinyurl.com/wwftagtitles), even the blue version they used for the (originally) SmackDown Tag belts, and the WCW Television (http://tinyurl.com/wcwtvtitle) and Tag Team Titles (http://tinyurl.com/wcwtagteam). What I really miss is the concept of the TV title.

I know I don't have the "big gold belt" up there, but I think I'm just sick of it after seeing it consistently for my entire career as a wrestling fan.