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Topic subjectRE: .....while Bryan gets pushed to the stratosphere.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2235618&mesg_id=2235835
2235835, RE: .....while Bryan gets pushed to the stratosphere.
Posted by Virgenes Corazon, Tue Sep-24-13 06:51 AM

If the HBK rumblings are true and
>they play the angle of HHH bullying HBK's student the right
>way, ideally playing up some jealousy angle, where Hunter has
>the titles and the corporate position but still can't measure
>up to HBK's immense legacy of being on the short list of true
>GOAT level performers, his stock will go even higher. As it
>is, the Yes! chants are as over as anything since Austin.

Here's where fantasy booking gets you into trouble. If you honestly think HHH is going to allow himself to be portrayed as second-tier or anything less than KING OF KINGS CEREBRAL COO, you are gravely mistaken.

I've enjoyed the storyline a lot so far but I think it is far from airtight.