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Topic subjecthe was talkin bout cutting it with parmesan cheese.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2224970&mesg_id=2225400
2225400, he was talkin bout cutting it with parmesan cheese.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Sep-05-13 10:50 AM

>I really wanna know what level of money Marvin Gaye was
>spending or ingesting compliments of the label or his
>Hollywood friends because Marvin (true professional soul
>legend that he is) so far is the only coke-addict that I ever
>heard of who never actually snorted coke.
>He thought snorting it would affect his nodules & singing
>So instead in a far less efficient manner/method he just ate
>it, eight-balls & half-ounces at a time, jaw/mouth probably in
>a perpetual state of being ready for an out-patient dental

Yeah that seems like it would be hell on your mouth and throat. I heard the same thing about Marv but didn't know it was a fact. He was one of the few Motown cats my mom never really got to know, she met him a couple times and said he was very shy but charming (of course). He was going through it at that time, most of the time she was involved with any Motown Films stuff he was in Europe.

>Bet at those Studio 54-styled late-70's parties people had a
>code or a signal to hide the shit when he was about to enter a
>'Ah shit man, here comes Marv, you know he just gonna eat up
>all our coke again...sick of that shit!'.

LMAO, this needs to be made into an animated short like last month.

>Grabbing the baggies of roadies & turning 'em upside down like
>he was polishing off a Fun Dip pouch while the rest of the
>team players sat around with their straws looking at each
>other like 'what we gonna say? He's Marvin fuckin Gaye'.

I dunno man, bigger people have been bodied for less.