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Topic subjectCrap! 10-team PPR
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2223253, Crap! 10-team PPR
Posted by jimaveli, Thu Aug-29-13 11:36 PM
4-point passing TD. 1 point for 20 yards receiving. 1 point for 30-yards passing. No bonuses. -1 for bad stuff.

QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, RB/WR, WR/TE, DEF, K

I picked 5th. I traded my first and second round picks with the guy picking 10th (5 and 16 for 10 and 11). The plan: take whatever RB fell to me and MATT FUCKING FORTE. Instead, 9 cats took RBs, Foster and Rice went in top 5 AND the guy picking 9th took Forte. So...

1. Reggie Bush (I think he catches a slew of passes)
2. Dez Bryant (I took him over Calvin...schedule + Tony Tunnel Vision)
3. MJD (glad he fell..I believe)
4. Victor Cruz (WRs were flying off)
5. Cam Newton (easy schedule in spots + rushing)
6. D'Lo Williams
7. Gronk (I was sick of looking at him by then)
8. Finley (see pick 7)
9. Matt Stafford (he owes me points from last year AND a guy was p-footing on taking his QB...had to make him pay)
10. Fred Jackson (I know he's old but still..at this round, why not)
11. Greg Jennings (see comment for pick 10)
12. Golden Tate (just in-case he's fake Percy)
13. Roy Helu (just in-case Morris gets hurt or misses a block and ticks off Shanny)
14. New England DEF
15. Josh Gordon
16. Randy Bullock
17. Joique Bell (Reggie Bush is Reggie Bush)

>I picked 12th in a 12 man league. Went RB/RB as best I could
>there, wasn't much left on the board. Non PPR.
>I'll probably start with:
>Steven Jackson
>Maurice Jones Drew
>Reggie Wayne
>Dwayne Bowe
>Coby Fleener
>Zach Sudfeld (sexy pick right)
>Seahawks D
>Kai Forbath kicker
>Jay Cutler
>Pierre Thomas
>Stevie Johnson
>Vick Ballard
>Roy Helu
>Golden Tate (cautiously optimistic)
>grade mine/post yours