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Topic subjectWhen Did Randy Cross Start Looking Like Ric Flair? SC @ Hawaii Post
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2223228&mesg_id=2223228
2223228, When Did Randy Cross Start Looking Like Ric Flair? SC @ Hawaii Post
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Aug-29-13 10:22 PM
I swear I turned CBSSN on about 15 minutes before kickoff without the sound on & was like 'why the fuck they got Nature Boy in studio?'.

That was just odd.

This is the least excited I've been for a Trojan season since I've lived in L.A.

Possibly because Kiffin has the Trojans 'BACK LIKE PAUL HACK'(c)Juelz with this rotating QB arrangement he's threatening bringing back bad memories of the YoungCarson/MikeVanRaap era.

Cody Kessler taking the first snap of the season & handing off to Tre Madden?

Two movement penalties on the first drive?

Dinking, dunking, basic runs trying to creep down the field against Hawaii?

Still going for it on fourth-down & 4/5 yards like we're playing Madden, do they still not have a kicker?

And there's Marquise Lee's first target & drop to end the drive.

This could be a tough season but maybe in the end that's what they need to get Lane out.