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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm going play devil's advocate here.....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2222615&mesg_id=2222663
2222663, I'm going play devil's advocate here.....
Posted by blueeclipse, Wed Aug-28-13 01:19 PM
As sad as this is no one forces these guys to play football man. The way these stories are portrayed at times you would think they were profiling a wounded soldier coming home from war. The older players got the shaft on this considering they helped lead the league into it's huge popularity spike and they played in a much more violent game than the one that is played today. HOWEVER, they CHOSE to play a game they knew could leave them with permanent injuries.

Obviously medical advances weren't what they are today back then, and there was less awareness about performance enhancing drugs, as well as training and nutrition. That being said......they CHOSE to play a sport that they knew damn well could lead to these type of injuries.

Above everything else, these former players weren't compensated near what players are today. IF there is an argument to be made......it's that. I look at the NFL the same way I look at the US as a whole. There is so much money there that treatment shouldn't EVER be a problem for former player. EVER. The same can be said for healthcare as a whole in this country. But we all know that's not the case.

As bad as we feel for these players, there are people suffering everyday who were never in the position to set themselves up for anything. There are soldiers getting their limbs blown off making almost minimum wage. Firefighters, cops, truck drivers, roofers, ect. all have high fatality rates on the job. Many of them are not compensated nearly enough for the risk. It comes with the territory.