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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject12 team, PPR, QB, 2WR,2RB,TE,FLEXK, D/ST
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2221909&mesg_id=2222353
2222353, 12 team, PPR, QB, 2WR,2RB,TE,FLEXK, D/ST
Posted by temps2020, Tue Aug-27-13 11:10 AM
My internet went out as I was filling my bench and auto nominated for the auction and I got stuck with a crappy bench and no flex.

QB Russell Wilson
QB Josh Freeman
WR Dez Bryant
WR Julio Jones
WR Reuben Randle
WR Vincent Brown
RB Steven Ridley
RB Darren Sproles
RB Joique Bell
RB Christine Michael
RB Roy Helu
TE Jordan Cameron
TE Brandon Myers
K Robbie Gould
DEF/ST Denver