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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: it's not PPR. I did pass over Forte but got burnt with him last year
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2221909&mesg_id=2221930
2221930, RE: it's not PPR. I did pass over Forte but got burnt with him last year
Posted by jimaveli, Sun Aug-25-13 11:01 PM
>he's a never again guy for me.

Yeah...he's money in PPR. It offsets his low TDs (6 or so is what he's gonna have). He was right around top 10 in total points even with the injuries last year. But I could see him killing someone in a standard league. You need hella yards and/or TDs. He doesn't really do either regularly.

I'm scared about a few guys on your team, but free agency switchouts should bail you out if you strike out on a cat like Vick Ballard. You just have to sack up and admit that it isn't working out and move on someone who might be onto something. Dexter McCluster, whoever is backing up McFadden, Daniel Thomas, the other other RB (Polk) in Philly, Dwyer, somebody!

I'm looking at Golden Tate and thinking he might be that 10-12 round dude who ends up with a 'really!?' season (70-something catches, 7 or more TDs and 1k-ish yards) that you can brag about and say 'yeah...I knew. I let y'all draft your Mike Wallace-types 5 rounds earlier..I was taking RGIII around that time'.

I'm dead-set on taking my QB in rounds 6-8 with 7th being ideal (Kapernick is who I want, but I'd take Stafford, RGIII or The Power of Russell Wilson if I had to) and 8th being a dream depending on how the draft is going and who has cracked and jumped on a QB earlier. Problem: I can't see not taking Drew Brees in the 4th. And that fool MIGHT be there if folks go overboard with the 'I'm waiting cuz I need mo' RBs!' thing.

>and I love your optimistic view. My takeaway pretty much
>mirrors yours. SJax plugged into an offensive juggernaut of an
>offense and still plenty of fresh legs underneath him, MJD in
>a contract year, Dwayne Bowe with a competent QB and
>offensive-minded coach for the first time in his career etc.