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Topic subject^^^ Needs its own post
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2219112&mesg_id=2220039
2220039, ^^^ Needs its own post
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-20-13 06:45 PM
"I basically never have the same arguments with people who are primarily NFL or NBA fans"

why does this shit matter so much in MLB

players get suspeded every other day in the NFL

granted the league usually uses some vague term and doesn't usually get into particulars

and I'm not sure the NBA tests for anything

only player I remember getting popped for peds is Turkey Glue

why is PEDs in MLB such a big fuckin deal

and not as big a deal in the NFL and NBA?