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Topic subjectKen Caminiti disagrees
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2219112&mesg_id=2219181
2219181, Ken Caminiti disagrees
Posted by bentagain, Fri Aug-16-13 11:57 AM
my point was

that whole Mitchell report, government hearing thing

that was the result of the accusations Canseco, a player made

it didn't come from baseball itself

this story is starting to look like that

MLB instituted drug testing after the Bonds/Mitchell report fiasco

and most of the players implicated in the biogenesis scandal didn't test positive for anything

the ARod/Biogenesis story is implying on going failures of baseball to be clean

I'm more interested if it's because of a lack of testing procedures/CBA/etc...

or if baseball knew about it, and didn't want to follow through for fear of having half the league suspended

miss me with the Bonds narrative, I don't care at this point

the issue is the media is still doing a better job of policing MLB than MLB is