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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectMake 5 predictions (bold or not) about teams OTHER than yours....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2214490&mesg_id=2216769
2216769, Make 5 predictions (bold or not) about teams OTHER than yours....
Posted by guru0509, Wed Aug-07-13 11:02 AM
1. Devin Gardner will fail to impress as a QB in the sense that he wont wow anyone with his arm or athleticism, but he is a smart QB who will figure out his capabilities. The lolverines win the majority of their games this year behind Derrick Green & an opportunistic defense (provided Jake Ryan comes back 100 in October), and come into The Game with one loss (either to Nebraska or @ NW)

2. Mack Brown will somehow manage to put together a decent season and save his ass for one more season.

3. Oregon hangs 63+ (I doubt they go for a single FG) on the Vols in a statement game. Chip or no Chip, the show goes on.

4. Logan Thomas regresses and VT struggles to win 7 games behind another paltry offense (and another overrated D), and for the first time in his career...Beamer starts feelin it. (I think this is Bud Foster's last year in Blacksburg anyway)

5. Tommy Turnover Rees goes full fuck it mode, and costs Notre Dame a few games. Malik Zaire is the starting QB by the USC game, and delivers the final nail in Lane Kiffin's coffin.