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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectdamn why they all black tho....bwhahahahah
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1832987&mesg_id=2207468
2207468, damn why they all black tho....bwhahahahah
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jul-08-13 12:14 AM
>Worst: Chris Broussard
>Next Worst: Magic - he's just bland and boring
>Next Next Worst: Jalen - he sounds like a robot. no flavour.
>Next Next Next Worst: Shaq - he sound like he got cerebal
>Next Next Next Next Worst: Jamele Hill - she just wack
>Next Next Next Next NEXT Worst: Stuart Scott - he brought
>cooning to ESPN

ain't gon say any names but there def are some affirmative action analysts (AAA) on these networks