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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHilarious Deadspin comment alert!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2201289&mesg_id=2201344
2201344, Hilarious Deadspin comment alert!
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Jun-26-13 08:33 AM
Man: "Hey, it's Scottie Pippen! I should politely ask him for an autograph after dessert."

Man: *eats restaurant's specialty, a frozen banana*

Man: *decides to order another because it was so good*

Man: *orders*

Man: "Might as well go ask him while I'm waiting."

Man: *walks over to Scottie Pippen*

Man: "Excuse me, Mr. Pippen. Could I trouble you for an autograph? I was always a big fan of yours."

Pippen: "No- *starts to say "problem", but is cut off*

Waiter: "I'm sorry, sir. The kitchen says we're out of that dessert.

Man: "Ah, who needs a second banana, anyway?"

Pippen: *beats shit out of Man*