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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWatching Miami not try on D is infuriating
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2195341&mesg_id=2195899
2195899, Watching Miami not try on D is infuriating
Posted by MothershipConnection, Thu Jun-13-13 11:02 PM
I couldn't understand in Game 1 and Game 3 (and I know Game 1 was close) how Miami was consistently so poor on rotations and giving so many clean looks to Green and Neal from 3. Wade was even more negligent than usual on those and even Lebron was getting on that. This game, Green and Neal still couldn't miss but they weren't taking as many shots and had to put the ball on the floor more cause Miami was pretty much staying at home on them.

Miami is just so moody like that, it seems when things are going poorly on one end or the other it really affects them on the other end... you don't usually see that from great teams which is why they look so bipolar.