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Topic subjectthat's an L off top, because your sequencing is off
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2193184&mesg_id=2193380
2193380, that's an L off top, because your sequencing is off
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Jun-08-13 08:21 PM
>You began shitting on Barnes the second you got an inkling he
>was leaning towards the Tar Heels. Everyone saw it, and it was

i shit on barnes about a month into his college career because he was obviously NOT a "star"

i didn't come near shitting on him when i had an "inkling" because i was hype on his decision day just like anyone else and i certainly didn't shit on his game when he chose UNC the day he chose or in the months leading up.

now, that is a fact. we don't need the shitty search function for that. everyone remembers the day barnes skyped. i did not shit on his game before that or in the months BEFORE he played at UNC. at all.

now, you need to let this shit go. you mad and you catching feelings, dogg.

get yourself ready for football season.