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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNo, & I don't remember nor care what you said about all those other guys
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2193184&mesg_id=2193370
2193370, No, & I don't remember nor care what you said about all those other guys
Posted by guru0509, Sat Jun-08-13 07:56 PM
You began shitting on Barnes the second you got an inkling he was leaning towards the Tar Heels. Everyone saw it, and it was hilarious.

Let it go. It's over. Maybe you're batting .750 on the fiyastarter message boards. Certainly not here.

>dogg, just let me help you here...y'all not gettin THEM. just
>stop it.

Agaon, I don't ever recall saying we would land them. I just said Matta will put the full court press on them, in addition to D'Angelo Russell.

If they dont end up in Columbus, hopefully they end up in East Lansing or Lexington. Just so I can watch you melt down again.

Have a pleasant dinner.