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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYou watched the games or the highlights and articles?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2188218&mesg_id=2193248
2193248, You watched the games or the highlights and articles?
Posted by Y2Flound, Sat Jun-08-13 07:07 AM
Every game but 1 was in question the majority of the game, 2 came down to the final second. One team did what they had to do to win each one though so they get to move on as they should.

I realize in the history of the sport this goes down as a 4-0 sweep and a total offensive collapse by a team people thought were cruising to the cup after last round that was designed to win this year. I'm just saying that the games were close hard fought exciting games for the most part that could have gone either way except for a few keys, most importantly an unstoppable goaltender that cup winning teams often have.