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Topic subjectGame 2 is going to determine how people remember this series...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2188218&mesg_id=2193198
2193198, Game 2 is going to determine how people remember this series...
Posted by Y2Flound, Fri Jun-07-13 09:18 PM
People will remember a sweep and remember it as the Pens just getting man handled and beat, but with the exception of game 2 these has been hard fought pretty even games.

The difference came down to a goalie that couldn't be scored on and a few things in each game that swung the game.

Even game 1 with the 3-0 score was just 3 good goals vs plenty of opportunities for the Pens that just didn't go in.

That's not an excuse or trying to take away from the Bruins, these games (except 2) were all just close and well fought, they just all broke the same way.