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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNah, if he didnt have that strike, he'd have gotten zero games
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2188218&mesg_id=2192087
2192087, Nah, if he didnt have that strike, he'd have gotten zero games
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Jun-06-13 12:44 AM
Even if they dont admit it, the NHL weighs games differently for a guy who plays 30 minutes than a guy who plays 10. I really don't have a problem with that, it makes a lot of sense "when ya really look at it" (c) Darryl Sutter.

They also weigh the severity of the injury and the fact that a playoff suspension is heftier than a regular season one. They are transparent about that.

I thought it was the right call to can him for one game. Pretty fair. Especially after they didn't even look at the Bolland hit on Richards, although in my opinion that are mostly a legit play gone wrong. It was a minor penalty at most to me.

Big loss for Chicago but they can pull it together for one game.

One of the things I find dumb is how accepted it is that when a guy loses his glove, you slash his hand. That is dangerous, slashing an exposed bone is way, way more likely to injure than one protected by a glove or padding. I'm not saying Carter deserved to be wacked like that at all, but he should have been penalized and I certainly understand some kind of wack from Keith. Still, like you said, it was a dumb play that put his team at a disadvantage immediately and now in Game 4 as well. He should have taken a number and kept it moving.