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Topic subject2 hall of fame players in their prime and a hall of fame coach...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2191971&mesg_id=2192083
2192083, 2 hall of fame players in their prime and a hall of fame coach...
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Thu Jun-06-13 12:31 AM
>they were not that good.

yeah..they were very good.

>None of those second three-peat finals teams were that good,
>that's the reason the Pacers were the only team that gave them
>a battle.
>They were up 3-0 on those Sonics, then started filming
>public-service commercials pleading for the fans not to riot
>after they win & took their eye off the ball while out in
>Seattle basically ditching Game 5 to win at home.
>The Sonics had lost first-round the year before to the Eddie
>Jones Lakers.

again.... that Sonic team had a great coach...2 outstanding players in their primes..

the Lakers upset them...but that Laker team had guys who made all star teams...Eddie..Nick Van...Ced Ceballos....

>Those Jazz teams got there by *hanging around*. They weren't
>really any better than the Jazz teams getting carried in the
>first or second round the entire ten years before except that
>there wasn't anybody left to play them out West.
>Suns/Blazers were done, Rockets were old, Sonics were choking
>& couldn't beat the Rockets, the Dell Harris Kazaam Lakers
>weren't ready yet.
>I don't hold any of those teams in high regard, Jazz included
>& the only reason anyone would is to pump up MJ's legacy.
>That mid-to-late-90s era was probably the weakest competition
>era team-wise of my lifetime outside Chicago.

they weren't garbage teams....not the level of teams the Lakers beat during show time..... but those it was still a fairly challenging road for those Bulls teams.