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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe big question is are they ignoring Bylsma or does he let it happen
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2188218&mesg_id=2191201
2191201, The big question is are they ignoring Bylsma or does he let it happen
Posted by Y2Flound, Tue Jun-04-13 06:54 AM
This has happened several years now with just breaking down in multiple ways in the playoffs.

He came into this year on the hot seat and needed atleast the ECF to save his job in my opinion. However if they get swept and play like this for 4 games, I would say he may still be gone, because somewhere in the playoffs either he quits coaching or they quit listening to him and he can't control them. Too many years in a row.

I tend to think the team just stops listening to him, there is no way he is coaching things like make all your passes blue line to blue line all game