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Topic subjectNo further discipline for Bolland or Cooke
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2188218&mesg_id=2189797
2189797, No further discipline for Bolland or Cooke
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jun-02-13 02:32 AM
I am totally unsurprised on Bolland. That was a legit play, at worst, a charging minor.

Cooke, well, that is a very common play and almost no one would be suspended for it, but with his history, yeah, I expected him to get canned for at least one game, probably two and maybe longer if McQuaid were hurt. But he got nothing. The league didn't even look at it.

Torres has got to be pissed about this. I'm still not sure what I think of that suspension. It's good to see Stoll back though.