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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHere is how I see the two hits
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2188218&mesg_id=2189558
2189558, Here is how I see the two hits
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jun-01-13 09:20 PM
Marchand's hit was a minor penalty and was called as one.

Cooke's hit would have been a minor penalty at a minimum. The way they have begun to call this in the past three seasons (roughly), it was a major.

Where the severe unfairness will come, is when he gets shitcanned for the series for a pretty common hit.

Going back to how they call that play, I don't understand why players don't stay down on the ice and go to the dressing room after EVERY major hit that is a penalty or otherwise causes a stoppage. That one instant is where the refs make their call, and they no longer look at intent alone, they really scrutinize the result of the play. Just act like you're dead, 5 minutes guaranteed on the PP is better than 2 unguaranteed minutes, right?

The league really needs to clarify things and the way they will ultimately do it is by removing all hits that target the head and all hits from behind.

I'm not going to give the obligatory macho commentary on that. Women's hockey is a beautiful game with limited checking, right?