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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectOne of my neighbors has disappeared/gone missing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2172567&mesg_id=2184462
2184462, One of my neighbors has disappeared/gone missing
Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-22-13 01:41 AM
It's sorta been in the news up here: the guy was last seen after running the SF Bay to Breakers race on Sunday. Told his friends he was headed to the beach and hasn't been seen since.

It doesn't look good. His phone/credit cards/passport were found hidden by a restaurant right by the beach. Today they found his jeans and the jersey he was wearing about a quarter of a mile away from there. Hate to say it, but in all likelihood he drowned in the ocean. It's common for people to get completely hammered during the Bay to Breakers, then go swimming immediately afterwards. Dude could have easily been caught in a riptide a something.

It's really sad. Dude is a good kid and a generally friendly guy. I hope he turns up okay, but it's a really all bad, I hope they can at least recover a body for his folks.