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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPOSTED THIS IN GD, but I need yalls help
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2172567&mesg_id=2183822
2183822, POSTED THIS IN GD, but I need yalls help
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue May-21-13 10:00 AM
Yall will understand this more. Especially the dream sports job aspect.

an where to begin...

So Im leaving my current school after some BS went down. I was feeling the strain of being in education here in NYC for 12 years and have been looking for a bit of a change over the past few year anyways.

So here were some things that went through my head

a) The Lebron route: Take my talents, not to South Beach, but to another country and work in an international school as a College Placement Officer, Dean, or AP. Problem is these types of administrative jobs don't get a lot of turnover and I don't have a teaching certification so it makes things a bit harder.

b) after coaching my sons soccer and teeball teams this year. Ive come to realize that I really like working with the little kids, and they respond well to me. I started my career in education while at Morehouse tutoring 2nd graders - but the way things worked out after college I started working with HS and now Middle School kids. But in the back of my head I've always thought I would make an excellent elementary school teacher, and I think theres always a need for more good male teachers in elementary school.

So after putting some feelers out I applied for a couple jobs and just got an offer to be a Kindergarten teacher at a Charter School closer to home in BK. The catch of course is Ive worked charter before- and I know the hours Im gonna have to put in, the short summers, long days, being asked to do a million things.

But surprisingly they were able to offer me a salary pretty close to what I make now which is way more than any first year teachers in the network make.

So seems like a decently easy choice right?
-As of now I'm leaving my current job,
-don't have any other offers,
-got a semi dream job with elementary school that will also set me up to get certified and eventually have more options to move abroad to an international school s a counselor, dean, or teacher in 2 or so years.
-with a salary close to what I make now, good benefits, and a 1 month summer to travel.

Not so fast...

So while all this was going on. Back in April I was at home and just flipping through links online and ran across a company I'd be interested in working for. Anyone who knows me on or off this board knows how much I fuckin love sports.

So this new gig...Its not in education at all. Its a sports startup, and although its a startup they are past the initial phase and making good money and really starting to grow.

On a whim I wrote the CEO an email telling him my story, my resume, and how I'd be interested in working for the company. He writes me back and says "I don't know if we have a position for you, but I won't really know until I meet you. Let's meet."

Long story short: we were supposed to meet at ethe beginning of May but he's been travelling like crazy so he hit me up and said, "these next few weeks something came up, but lets go ahead and set a date for the end of the month"

After some back and forth we settled on next Wednesday May 29th.

So over the past 6-7 weeks Im been living and breathing this company. Doing all kinds of research, taking extensive notes, prepping for this meeting that isnt even a formal interview. Im ready to blow his socks off.

But I dont know if they really have a position for me and if they do I have no clue how quickly he'll offer it and how much itll pay.

I would be willing to take a decent paycut for an opportunity at this gig and to chase my dreams and see what comes of it.

The issue is that I got the charter school offer today and they are giving me 1 week to reply which would be May 28th, the day before the meeting. lol

I mean either way Im gonna go through with this meeting. I have to. Ive been working and planning too hard not to do it.

But what do I do with this offer?

-Do I ask them to delay and give me another week knowing damn well that if I get any decent offer from the sports startup Im gonna take it?

-Do I take the offer- cause its all I have and if I get the sports startup offer, I bounce on the school even if its late in the summer?

-If it was a corporate gig and I had no soul, I wouldnt mind doing this. But I actually like the principal who gave me this offer and I know the longer she waits to really fill this last teaching spot- the harder it will be for her to fill it later in the summer. My sister and several friends also work for this network so I dont want them to get any shit about me leaving after taking an offer.

As much as Im thinking about this end- I also have to remember I'm a husband and father and need to have something solid for my family. I cant just chase this startup dream and say no to everything else then end up with jack shit - cause that would put my family in a bind. We dont have the disposable income for me to just be without a job for the next 3 or even 6 months - especially with Kamau starting kindergarten.

What would yall do?
