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Topic subjectI look more at the total package, it's not matchups like the NBA
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2170294&mesg_id=2178048
2178048, I look more at the total package, it's not matchups like the NBA
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu May-09-13 04:21 PM
at least not player to player matchups in the sense that I would pit two wingers against one another.

the components are similar, the depth is similar and a substantial edge in goal can wipe away several smaller advantages. that's how i see it, that and looking more broadly at things like collective speed and toughness.

even looking at it spot by spot the way you did there, i look at it less as a strict comparison and more as seeing who has created more opportunities. instead of a series of evaluations on a 1-10 scale (like Ovechkin is a 9 and Nash is a 7, Holtby is a 7 and Hank is a 9, etc), it's more a 1 or a 0 type of thing. Like does that guy in his role have an opportunity to make a big contribution or not? More of a go/no-go way of looking at it and, in the process, identifying potential weaknesses to be exploited.