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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: so if the Nets won by 30 last night they'd be tough and have heart?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2173133&mesg_id=2173766
2173766, RE: so if the Nets won by 30 last night they'd be tough and have heart?
Posted by murph71, Fri May-03-13 09:03 AM
>this "soft" thing is so overrated... are the Bulls a smarter
>team then the Nets? absolutely Way better coached? Yes, but
>the Nets have been laying it on the line every game, could
>have folded after that excrutiating game 4 Loss but instead
>forced a game 7... coming back from 3-1 after a heartbreaker
>does not equal soft

Again...u r getting it twisted, homie...

The Nets are NOT physically soft....They are not getting pushed around...They are not getting punked...The Nets play hard...


The Nets ARE mentally soft...They seem to lose their fire and edge at the wrong moments...they seem to shrink at big moments in this series, which is shocking because I never got that from this team...

If they beat us by 30, they would be taking care of business...It's what they are supposed to do...

But I will tell you this...I trust my Bulls in a close game against the Nets...I think mentally, we have the edge...If it's a big lead, the Nets will win...