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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthey shouldn't lose this series or the next, the East is a cesspool
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2172678&mesg_id=2172844
2172844, they shouldn't lose this series or the next, the East is a cesspool
Posted by Bombastic, Wed May-01-13 10:23 PM
which is the reason they're the two-seed & they need to play accordingly.

Every other squad they see is/will-be missing arguably their best player on its roster, they got Carmelo & a great coach.

Those three factors alone are enough to get them into the ECF to lose to Miami which was their max-out result regardless.

Get there & lose like everyone expects or they fucked up big time.

This series right here should be over already, going six let alone seven with this Celtic team ain't overachieving in any sense of the word so let's not start going down that road.