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Topic subjecthe's an average PG.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2164189&mesg_id=2164854
2164854, he's an average PG.
Posted by Guinness, Fri Apr-19-13 12:11 PM
at 24 years old and after one full season as a starter, that's not a bad place to be. to me, the whole conversation about lin got skewed because of the contract and idiotic knicks fans who are weirdly concerned with how much lux tax dolan pays.

as you know (and have corrected people numerous times about), his contract is relatively reasonable for the rockets ($8-$8-$8). shit, evan turner makes $7 next year and is far below average as a SG or SF.

even if the rox overpaid a bit, the poison pill was the only way to pry him away from a wealthier team.