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Topic subjectfair enough
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2164189&mesg_id=2164693
2164693, fair enough
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Apr-18-13 10:17 PM
>prolly on top of the felton, jameer, jennings type group
>problem is PG


is the deepest position and it's only going to
>get better and tougher to be an elite PG in this league with
>ppl like Russy, Kyrie, Curry, Jrue getting better and incoming
>talent like lillard, marcus smart and who ever else comes
>just don't see a scenario where he is ever a top 10 PG in this

Smart is staying this year but I dont see this as a problem. Like I wrote above he's gotten better and I think will continue to improve.

>so like i said you get this weird conversation from his fans
>where on one hand they talk about his potential then in the
>same breath talk about how the rockets can dump him
>zach lowe was just trying to hype it up saying his contract is
>not bad because it's basically over with and is a short term
>which one is it, is he the PG of the future for some team
>or is he a mediocre player that's never going to be in the
>upper echelon and is just a $8 million dollar stop
>gap/expiring contract until you get something better?

Who are his fans that are saying this exactly? Are you referring to Lowe?
I think you kinda answer your own question here. He's both. Obviously I believe in his overall growth and potential, but if you dont. His contract this past season and next season are affordable, and he played well enough to justify what he makes this year and I think next year.

The 3rd year is the question at hand but by then if he continues at this trajectory--he has to make bigger jump in yr 3--but by then its the last year of the contract. So yea in that sense he can be both. They have him now for 2 years as a stop gap with potential. If he doesnt pan out by year 3 hes the short term contract that will be expiring and they can go ahead and move on.