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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectFor the Advanced Stats Crew, outraged at my PER post
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2164189&mesg_id=2164624
2164624, For the Advanced Stats Crew, outraged at my PER post
Posted by bentagain, Thu Apr-18-13 06:14 PM
it was initially snark in my OP

then I actually clicked on PER for PGs

and low and behold, Patrick Beverley >>>


you want to convince me dude is a starting PG in the NBA

post whatever stat you feel proves it

other than that

I can't tell

and FTR, I don't have a Lin agenda

outside of these boards, and media attention

I don't care about dude

my LMAO was my honest reaction last night

as someone already stated, if you watched the game, there's not much to debate

big stage = terrible game

glad he got his $$$ (as long as he's not stealing $$$ from my team)

but he's not a starting PG in the NBA.

and he didn't do anything this season to disprove that opinion

(I expect Harden to tank against OKC if that makes you feel better)