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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyou bored?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2164189&mesg_id=2164354
2164354, you bored?
Posted by themaddfapper, Thu Apr-18-13 12:42 PM
even factoring in a few stinkers this month, Lin avg'd 17 n 7.
I ain't say shit.

shot 40% from 3 last 3 months of the season
ain't say shit

played all 82 games starting pg on the youngest team in the league in the toughest conference. and made the playoffs
ain't say shit.

avg'd 15 and 6 post all star break
ain't say shit.

smart move woulda been to back off, let him set a statistical baseline, and if he faltered next year, you coulda partied your ass off.

thing is, hardly anyone comes to houston and gets worse.

let's see what's up @ the break next year. I'd be shocked if he wasn't at 16 & 6.