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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: I don't think I saw anything new
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2162483&mesg_id=2162543
2162543, RE: I don't think I saw anything new
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Apr-15-13 10:04 AM
>In fact, I've paid $120/month at some point in the last
>decade to do most of what he did in the video... from
>practicing a martial art (brazilian jujitsu) for several years
>to recently doing Crossfit. I wanted to do capoeira but the
>schools are few and far between.
>I do like his general philosophy of pursuing variety. You
>can't learn all of these things at once though... I think you
>need to specialize for a couple years to become proficient...
>but after that, you should know enough to program your own
>routines or be able to spar competently against someone else.

I dont think its anything new but the combination of all the movements and the technical proficiency is whats impressive is the technical proficiency of the movements and how he drills them both the capoeira like movements and the Olifting stuff.