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Topic subjectif you saw King play, you'd know its not really debatable
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2161357&mesg_id=2161607
2161607, if you saw King play, you'd know its not really debatable
Posted by vee-lover, Fri Apr-12-13 02:19 PM
at least at this point and I'm not trying to slight Melo nor is my opinion agenda driven

but for injuries is thee only reason why King isn't mentioned in the same breath as other great players during his era. When healthy, you saw greatness in him...having said that, he still had a great (HOF) career and in many people's opinion, including many of his peers, he should've been chosen as one of the 50 greatest players ever...

Honestly, at this point in Melo's career, do you see him going down as an all time great player? Because that's the trajectory he should be if we're saying he's comparable to Bernard King...