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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectSam Bradford could suck all the dicks he wants, if he throws 30tds...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2153295&mesg_id=2161542
2161542, Sam Bradford could suck all the dicks he wants, if he throws 30tds...
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Apr-12-13 10:22 AM
I wouldn't give fuck about what he does when he goes home.

It will be interesting to see if something like that affects the team dynamics of any organization though. Contrary to what Charlie is saying I don't think there are bunch of guys that are open and out with their teammates and around the league like that. I'm sure there are probably guys that are known or suspected to be gay but are low-key about it and do their jobs nobody really cares. I don't think anybody is bringing their boyfriend to team functions unless they're introducing them as their "business manager" a la Kerry Rhodes. It will be interesting to see if the rumors affect his free agency, the Niners may sign him.